Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies
CEEPUS is an exchange programme for students and teaching staff between signatory countries. By signing the agreement the governments undertake to cover the costs of the exchanges. The beneficiaries of this funding are institutions of higher education in the signatory countries, connected in a network. The faculties are approved a certain number of scholarships within the CEEPUS quota each year.
The aim of the programme is to improve links between students and academic staff in the signatory countries. The programme came into force on 1st December 1994. The countries that signed the agreement from the foundation of CEEPUS were Austria, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia, and then Croatia from 1995, the Czech Republic from 1996 and Romania from 1998. Today CEEPUS has 14 members (in addition to the countries mentioned above Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia have since joined).
Our Faculty joined the programme thanks to the network of veterinary universities and colleges, VetNEST, which also includes faculties from Austria (Vienna), Czech Republic (Brno), Hungary (Budapest), Poland (Wroclaw), Slovakia (Košice) and Slovenia (Ljubljana).
You can find more information about CEEPUS on: http://www.mobilnost.hr/hr/sadrzaj/sudjelovanje/obrazovanje-i-osposobljavanje/erasmus-visoko-obrazovanje/ceepus/
Who can apply for a CEEPUS scholarship?
- All citizens of CEEPUS member countries.
- The longest scholarship available is for 12 months.
Requirements for beneficiaries of scholarships:
- at least 2 completed semesters of regular classes
- age limit – 35 years
- technically the shortest stay is one month
- legally the shortest stay is 21 days.
Teaching Staff
- no age limit
- university teaching staff
- technically the shortest stay is one month
- legally the shortest stay is 5 days.
- multiple use of scholarships is permitted in the same country if this is important for the Network.