Veterinary Biology

Veterinary Biology Department was established on May 20, 1942. The first head of the Department was prof. dr.  Zdravko Lorkovic.

The obligation of Veterinary Biology  is to conduct and harmonize undergraduate, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, improvement of all forms of teaching, as well as the selection and promotion of staff participating in teaching. Classes are conducted in a planned and organized manner according to the prescribed curriculum. Teachers teach compulsory and elective courses in the first and second year of the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Study of Veterinary Medicine and at the postgraduate doctoral study in Veterinary Sciences. Course curricula have been developed based on the learning outcomes necessary to achieve the desired competencies. Of the regular subjects of integrated study, classes are conducted in the following subjects: Botany in Veterinary Medicine, Zoology and Molecular Biology and Genomics in Veterinary Medicine. Elective courses include: Protection and management of endangered species, Zooecology, Biology and ecology of predators, Biology and conservation of marine mammals (Fundamentals of systematics and evolution of marine mammals, Fundamentals of biology and physiology of marine mammals), Cytometry in clinical veterinary medicine, Comparative mucosal immunology. At the postgraduate doctoral study in Veterinary Sciences, classes are taught in the subjects Molecular Biology in Veterinary Medicine, Methods of Molecular Biology in Veterinary Medicine, Cell and Developmental Biology and Biology with Fundamentals of Marine Mammal Physiology. From 2016/17 Teaching at the Veterinary Biology  is also conducted in English within the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Study in Veterinary Medicine in English.

The scientific-research and professional activity of Veterinary Biology is reflected in numerous and long-term research activities. Employees in scientific-teaching titles are involved in international and domestic scientific projects and successfully cooperate with numerous scientific and professional organizations in the country and abroad. In addition to scientific, they are involved in international and domestic professional projects. They encourage the mobility of students and teachers to other universities in the country and abroad, and stand out with the number of incoming students from international veterinary institutions.

prof. dr. sc. Maja Popović

Predstojnica; redovita profesorica u trajnom zvanju
Maja Popović

prof. dr. sc. Ksenija Vlahović

Redovita profesorica u trajnom zvanju; Prodekanica za integrirani studij i studente
Ksenija Vlahović

prof. dr. sc. Josip Kusak

redoviti profesor u trajnom izboru
Josip Kusak

prof. dr. sc. Tomislav Gomerčić

Redoviti profesor
Tomislav Gomerčić

izv. prof. dr. sc. Daniel Špoljarić

Izvanredni profesor
Daniel Špoljarić

prof. emer. Đuro Huber

Professor emeritus
Đuro Huber

Sanja Arsenić

Sanja Arsenić

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