How long is it possible to study for?
At most for twice as long as the nominal duration of the study programme. That would mean that if the integrated study programme lasts 6 years, a student may study for a total of 12 years. The duration of studying does not include any period of suspension of studies.
How many times is it possible to enrol in the same subject?
You may enrol in the same subject no more than twice.
How many times is it possible to sit an exam?
Exams in the same subject may be taken no more than four times. On the fourth attempt, the exam is to be taken before an examination committee.
How do exams taken before an examination committee work?
The exam is taken before an examination committee consisting of three members. One of the members of the examination committee is the professor who gave the student a negative grade when they attempted to pass the exam the third time. The chairperson of the committee is also the examiner. Before sitting the exam, students must include in their registration for the exam a request to sit the exam before an examination committee. Registration for the exam is conducted on-line and the same rules apply for registration for or any de-registration from an exam as for the regular exam schedule (the request to sit the exam is not the same as registration for it). If after submitting the request the student decides not to sit the exam, they must de-register and also inform the Student Office.
Can I take an exam two years after enrolment?
Yes, if the student has not used all 8 attempts to pass the exam (for all details please contact the Student Office)
When does a student lose the right to subsidised food?
Students lose the right to subsidised food:
- When they enrol in the next academic year, and they have attained fewer than 18 ECTS points in the previous academic year.
- If they have attained fewer than 36 ECTS points in two consecutive academic years
- If they do not complete their studies within 8 years.
Is it necessary to take a health examination for enrolment in a higher year?
Health examinations are obligatory for all regular first year students before enrolment in the second year.
What should I do if I lose my student identity card (iksica), and how can I get a new one?
Report to the Student Office. Fill in a form and, together with proof of payment of 50 kunas, give it in to the Student Office. You can get your new card from the Student Office.
How can I get a certificate of student status/certificate of studying?
Report to the Student Office (to get a certified printed copy of the certificate from the ISVU system).
What is the procedure for de-registering from the Faculty, how long does it take and do I have to pay for it?
For de-registration from the Faculty, you need to bring a completed request form, confirmation from the Library that you have returned all library materials, your Student Record Book (Indeks), and your identity card (Iksica) to the Student Office. The process takes at least 2 days and is conducted by the Student Office. There is no fee for the process of de-registrastion, but the student must settle all debts to the Faculty before de-registering.
How much is the full tuition fee?
The amount of participation by students in the costs of tuition is 9000 EUR (9200 EUR if paying in two instalments).
How are subjects organized?
Every subject has its own rules on students’ obligations. For students to pass the subject, they must complete all the obligations set, which most often means they must obtain a professor’s signature and collect a certain number of points.
How are classes organized?
Classes are organized through:
- Lectures
- Seminar exercises
- Exercises (clinical, laboratory etc.)
- Field exercises
For some subjects not all these forms of classes are necessary.
What are signatures?
A signature indicates that a student has fulfilled the minimum obligations within the subject. This most often means that the student has participated in a specific number of lectures, exercises and seminars, and attained a specific number of points in tests.
The signature does not mean that the student has passed the subject. If a student loses the signature, they lose the right to sit the exam and must enrol in the subject for which they do not have a signature in the next academic year.
How is students’ knowledge tested/how do they acquire points?
Students’ knowledge is tested and points are acquired most often by passing mid-term tests. Mid-terms are tests related to a specific unit of subject matter in a subject, and they serve to test students’ knowledge. The dates of mid-terms are published at the beginning of each semester.
Some other ways in which knowledge is tested are:
Brief tests – written or on-line oral exams
Points for a specific subject are most often given on a scale of 0-100.
How is a subject passed, and what are examinations?
Students pass subjects by meeting all the requirements during the semester and collecting a specific number of points. This is known as continuous assessment. Passing mid-terms is a requirement for sitting the exam.
Exams cover the subject matter of the entire subject and usually have a written and an oral part. The regular examination periods are: February, July and September.
Where can I get material for studying?
All students, when they enrol at the Faculty, are given access to the LMS system for electronic studying. Through this system, students have access to relevant materials, receive notifications etc.
The Faculty Library also has a large quantity of materials.
What is an iksica (student identity card) and how does it work?
An iksica serves as an identity document which proves your student status.
In addition, if you show your iksica you can get food in the student refectory (mensa) at lower prices for regular students. A certain amount of money is available for this purpose on each iksica, paid in by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia.
More information on your iksica is available on the University Computing Centre’s web site: http://www.srce.unizg.hr/issp/.
Who represents students at the VEF?
Students’ rights and obligations are represented and advocated for by the Student Council, the Student Counsellor and the Students’ Ombudsperson.
What is the Student Council?
The Student Council is a council of students elected by students for a term of two years. The Student Council deals with maintaining and raising the quality of student life and students’ activities at the VEF.
Who is the Student Counsellor?
The Student Counsellor is the person you can contact if you have any queries or problems related to classes and conduct of classes at the VEF.
You can contact the Student Counsellor by e-mail: skovacic@vef.hr
Who is the Students' Ombudsperson?
The Students’ Ombudsperson is also a body of the Student Council of the VEF, who takes account of students’ questions and problems of a legal nature.
How should I write a request to make up classes?
If a student is absent for 50% of classes and more than 20% of exercises and seminars, and they excused their absence in good time, they must write a request to the Vice-Dean for Integrated Studies and Students to make up their classes no later than 10 days after the end of classes in the relevant subject.
How can I excuse my absence from classes?
Students must submit a medical certificate and a completed request to make up their classes to the Reception Office of the Faculty no more than 8 days after the end of their sick leave.
When should I write a request for recognition of classes in a subject in which I need to re-enrol?
When a student is obliged to re-enrol in a specific subject having failed the exam before the examination committee, they must write a request to the Vice-Dean for Integrated Studies and Students no later than two weeks before the beginning of classes in the subject in which they wish to re-enrol. Students must attend classes in that subject regularly until their request is resolved. After receiving a positive decision, the student is not obliged to continue attending classes and may sit the exam at the same time as when the students with whom they attended the classes the second time attain the requirements to register for the exam.
Is there any possibility of enrolling in excess of the quota, with payment of fees?
No, there is no possibility of enrolling in excess of the quota with payment of fees at this Faculty. The quota is defined before each academic year. Currently the Faculty enrols 35 students in the first year of studies in English.
Until when is it possible to change the elective subjects I have enrolled in?
Enrolment in an elective subject may only be cancelled during the first two weeks of classes, and only when classes clash.
How can I enrol in my graduation year of studies?
It is possible to enrol in the so-called graduation year (repetition of the final year of studies) within the framework of enrolment in higher years of study, pursuant to the notification on enrolment.
Which doctor should I see when I am ill?
There is a list of duty doctors for each month on the following link:
Who is the competent doctor for the VEF (for instituting the procedure for suspension of a study year)?
The competent doctor for the VEF is: Dr. Sandra Latković Prugovečki, spec. in school medicine, at the School and University Clinic, Hirčeva 1, Maksimir; tel.: 01/2304372. Opening hours: even dates in the afternoon; odd dates in the morning.
What should I do when I change my personal data (name/surname, place of residence etc.)?
You need to submit a valid document (personal ID, marriage certificate etc.) to the Student Office.
What happens if I fail the graduation exam?
Passing the graduation exam implies that the student has been given a positive grade for all parts of the graduation exam. A fail grade (1) for any part of the graduation exam means the student has to re-sit the entire graduation exam. Students may only re-sit the graduation exam once. The period of time between the first and second attempt to pass the graduation exam may not be less than 30 days.
What is the procedure after passing the graduation exam?
After passing the graduation exam, students must complete a form on completion of their studies in the Student Office. Before this, they must settle any debts to the Faculty and hand in their student identity card and a certificate from the Faculty Library showing they do not have any outstanding library materials in their possession. After a few days they will receive a Certificate of attainment of an academic title, a document on completion of studies, which takes the place of their Degree Diploma until their graduation ceremony.
In the case of long term absence. Are you prevented from attending classes for a long time due to an accident or health condition? No problem, just let us know in time!
Long-term inability to study
In the event that during the academic year a student becomes prevented from successfully fulfilling his student obligations, he is obliged to submit a request for suspension of obligations and authentic documents to the Sudent’s Office for Integrated Studies within 30 days after the onset of illness or event for which suspension of obligations is requested (Art. 64 paragraph 3. Rulebook on integrated undergraduate and graduate studies 2022).The documents and the request can be submitted by an authorized person on his behalf (no notarization is required).
After the end of the long-term inability to study, the student must personally report to the Student Office and submit a note of the end of the suspension of obligation period.
Based on these two notifications, the student service will record the start and end date of the suspension period, which can be the basis for a request for suspension of obligations.
The right to suspend obligations
A student has the right to request suspension of obligations if, for justified reasons, he was prevented from performing his student obligations for a continuous duration of 60 or more days during classes, final exams in enrolled subjects, or for a continuous duration due to which he missed 2 or more exam deadlines from all enrolled subject. During the specified period, the student must not be active in courses.The student acquires the right to suspend obligations by decision of the Faculty on the basis of a submitted written request with explanation and associated documentation. The student submits a written request for suspension of obligations to the vice dean for integrated studies and students upon completion of the justified reason that is the basis for submitting the request for suspension of obligations, no later than 30 days after the end of the long-term suspension and at least 15 days before the end of the academic year. With a positive decision on the request, the student is granted suspension of obligations for the duration of one academic year. Year break time is not counted in the duration of study. Suspension of obligations to students is approved by the dean.
The student’s obligations are suspended in the following justified circumstances (Art. 64
paragraph 2):- during pregnancy,
- for a student mother or a student father until the child’s 1st birthday,
- during an illness that prevents him from successfully fulfilling his study obligations for a long
period of time, - during an international exchange of students lasting longer than 30 days during classes, if the
student does not acquire ECTS points through that exchange, - in other particularly justified cases
A student who has been granted the right to suspend obligations exercises that right until the end of the academic year. After the approved suspension of obligations, the student can only take exams if he has met the conditions for taking those exams. Courses that the student enrolled in but did not pass due to long-term absence caused by justified circumstances on the basis of which the suspension of obligations was approved will not be counted in the total number of course enrollments. The year in which study break is granted is not counted as an active year. In the year of suspension of obligations, the student has no obligation to pay participation in study costs. No tuition fee is charged for registration of a one-year break for medical or personal reasons, but a fee of 300 EUR is payable for each examination for courses already taken.
A student who has been granted a study break will not be responsible for participation in study costs upon enrollment in the following academic year, if he already paid the tuition in the academic year in which he was granted a study break (in the event that the study break began during an actively enrolled academic year).
The suspension of obligations must be regulated before the enrollment of the next academic year, the enrollment of the year will be locked only after the request has been resolved and the student status of study break has been implemented at ISVU. After the approved suspension of obligations, the student can only take exams if he has met the conditions for taking those exams. Suspension of obligations may be granted for one semester or one academic year. Multiple suspensions of the obligations of a full-time student are possible in specially justified health issues, and can last a maximum of three years.
If the curriculum is changed during the suspension of obligations, the student must listen to
and pass the differences in the curriculum that have arisen in the meantime.