Requirements for enrollment in the 1st year of the course
Students that may enroll in the PhD course in Veterinary Sciences: ones that have completed a graduate course at one of the faculties in the bio-medical group, candidates who have attained the academic title of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of Medicine, Doctor of Dental Medicine or Master of Pharmacy. In addition, candidates that have completed graduate courses at the Faculties of Agronomy, Nutrition and Biotechnology, and Natural Sciences and Mathematics may enroll.
Students from other post-graduate courses may also enroll in individual subjects in agreement with the head of the course or subject. Students that have graduated from a Veterinary Faculty or another faculty in the field of biomedicine and health can enroll in clinical subjects, such as Internal Diseases, Obstetrics and Reproduction. Subjects in the surgical group may as a rule only be taken by students who have graduated from a faculty of veterinary, medical or dental medicine.
When enrolling in a course, students must enclose the written agreement of their potential supervisor.
If a candidate for a PhD course does not have any agreement with a potential supervisor when enrolling in the course, the PhD Studies Committee will designate the doctorand a study advisor (an active member of staff of the Veterinary Faculty in a scientific and teaching post) who will monitor the doctorand’s work and achievement, and together with them draw up a plan of obligations. The study advisor will continue in this role until a supervisor is chosen.
The criteria and procedure for selection of candidates
(1) The requirements for enrollment are set by the PhD Studies Committee, according to the current regulations.
(2) The criteria for evaluating candidates include their success in their graduate studies, interest shown in scientific research, published work, recommendations by professors and potential supervisors, and their proposal for their field of research. An interview with the candidate is an obligatory and integral part of the enrollment procedure. Upon enrollment, all the necessary requirements for completion of the studies within the prescribed time period shall be clearly defined.
(3) The enrollment quota is established according to the available capacities for research, teaching staff and supervisors.
(4) Candidates may apply for enrollment in a PhD course who have completed a graduate course in veterinary medicine with an grade point average in all examinations during their course of no less than 3.50
(5) The PhD Studies Committee may, as an exception and upon the written recommendation of two professors from the Faculty, approve the enrollment of a PhD candidate who does not meet the requirements prescribed in point (4).
(6) Candidates may also enroll in PhD studies who have completed graduate studies at faculties in the fields of biomedicine and health, biotechnology, agronomy, and natural sciences. The requirements of enrollment are set by the PhD Studies Committee.
(7) The names of selected candidates, their qualifications, and the names of those who recommended them are published on the Faculty’s internet site.
(8) When enrolling in the course, every doctorand must state in writing whether they wish to study full time or part time. Full time studies relate to doctorands who devote all their working hours to meeting the obligations required by their PhD course. Doctorands who study part time must enclose a statement that the working hours they have available will permit them to meet their study requirements according to their study plan.
(9) Upon enrolment, the Faculty and the doctorands conclude an agreement on their mutual rights and obligations.
(10) A full time PhD study course as a rule takes three years, but for justified reasons, about which the PhD Studies Committee shall render a decision, it is possible to extend it to up to five years, with a written explanation. A part time PhD study course as a rule takes five years, but for justified reasons, about which the PhD Studies Committee shall render a decision, it is possible to extend it to up to seven years, with a written explanation. After eight years from enrollment, the doctorand loses the right to defend their PhD thesis.
(11) If the quality of the work of the doctorand, evaluated through an annual evaluation procedure conducted by the PhD Studies Committee, is not satisfactory, the PhD Studies Committee may decide to revoke the rights of the doctorand to continue their studies.