Within the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, services are provided related to teaching, scientific and professional work for the staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, as well as within the professional work for educational institutions, organizations of various profiles and museums.
Histological laboratory
In the Histological laboratory, histological preparations are made for the purpose of teaching, scientific and professional work of the staff of the Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology and for the purpose of providing services to external users. This primarily refers to the application of basic histological staining (hematoxylin-eosin; H&E), but also other histological and histochemical methods. The laboratory is equipped for tissue processing by the classical method of paraffin sections, but also for processing frozen samples of various soft tissues, cartilage and bone.
Archaeozoological Laboratory
Primary archaeozoological analysis services are offered, which include skeletal and species determination and quantification, and, depending on the sample, assessment of age, sex, ridge height and biomass of the individual, possible pathological changes and assessment of taphonomic processes. Given the amount and preservation of bone material, further analysis is possible at the level of the population of species of a particular area through different periods.
The Department offers bone processing services, production of bone preparations, primarily of domestic mammals and birds, but also of all groups of wild animals, whether they are individual bones, parts or the entire skeleton. We offer counseling services and with the help of a rich osteological collection we provide bone analysis, comparison and identification services. We prepare preparations for teaching and we are open to various forms of cooperation from schools, colleges to institutions, such as museums or institutes.
Working hours for clients:
Weekdays 8 – 16 h
Contact prof. dr. Martina Đuras – 01 2390 252
prof. dr. sc. Martina Đuras
- E: martina.duras@vef.hr
- T: 01/2390-252
prof. dr. sc. Damir Mihelić
- E: damir.mihelic@vef.hr
- T: 01/2390-247
prof. dr. sc. Srebrenka Nejedli
- E: snejedli@vef.hr
- T: 01/2390-242
prof. dr. sc. Tajana Trbojević Vukičević
- E: tajana@vef.hr
- T: 01/2390-241
prof. dr. sc. Snježana Kužir
- E: kuzir@vef.hr
- T: 01/2390-248
doc. dr. sc. Mirela Pavić Vulinović
- E: mpavic@vef.hr
- T: 01/2390-244
dr. sc. Lucija Devčić
- E: lucija.devcic@vef.unizg.hr
- T: 01/2390-258
dr. sc. Kim Korpes, dr. med. vet.
- E: kim.korpes@vef.hr
- T: 01/2390 259
dr. med. vet. Magdalena Kolenc
- E: mkolenc@vef.hr
- T: 01/2390 259
dr. sc. Snježana Ćurković
- E: curkovic@vef.hr
- T: 01/2390-275
univ. mag. med. vet. Zvonimir Budinšćak
- E: zbudinscak@vef.hr
- T: 01/2390-251
bacc. oec. Gordana Kovač
- E: gkovac@vef.hr
- T: 01/2390-243