We are excited to invite students to both a symposium and a workshop with the theme ‘Conflict or Coexistence – Facing the Human Wildlife Interface‘.
The symposium will take place the 13th and 14th April, and the workshop will follow on April 15-17. Registrations for the workshop include registration for the symposium, and the application process for the workshop is open now (deadline January 31st). Registrations to attend the symposium only will open shortly after the workshop application deadline, in the beginning of February.
Note: the workshop can host only a limited number of participants, and therefore a selection will take place. For the symposium we have a large number of spots available, so there will be no selection for this part.
All information, including program, really inspiring speakers, fees, practical information etc., can be found on this website: http://conflict-or-coexistence.com/ and
Facebook event EWDA Student Symposium & Workshop 2019 – Conflict or Coexistence
Deadline for application is January 31st!