Goal: Health of honey bee colonies is crucial in successful beekeeping and pollination. Veterinarians have a vital role in the health of honey bee colonies and their notifiable disease control and eradication. Also, honey bee colonies are reared mainly because of apian products production intended mainly for human consumption. This veterinary position is reflected in all regulated areas worldwide. It is an area of veterinary medicine to which under graduate students get little exposure during their regular studies of veterinary medicine, except for veterinary students in countries with a certain degree of biology and pathology of bees. This area is often not immediately attractive to young graduates and the continuing entry of graduate students into the beekeeping and apiculture medicine should be fostered on a European and international level.
As all veterinary students need to spend some time gaining laboratory and field work experience in the various fields of the veterinary profession. They also should get practical skills with clinical examinations of honey bee colonies and other veterinarian tasks at apiaries. In collaboration with The University of Zagreb, Department for Biology and Pathology of Fish and Bees in Croatia, EVERI (European Veterinarians in Education, Research and Industry) has launched a new EPT (External Practical Training) initiative in beekeeping – project VETS and BEES.
EVERI, the European Veterinarians in Education, Research and Industry is providing an information hub to facilitate contact between students of Veterinary Medicine, the various colleges of specialization and private enterprises on a European and international level. In this context EVERI is aiming to establish external practical trainings opportunities, which fulfill certain conditions demonstrating content, ambition and contribution of the studies to the curriculum to be at best being eligible for credits.
If you are student of Veterinary Medicine at a European veterinary teaching establishments and interested in veterinary in beekeeping, please contact EVERI – ems.everi@fve.org – for the more information (places available, training period, funding, etc…) and for the application form.