Lipizzan Tour 2023, Summer school, organized by VetNEST CEEPUS Vienna, Austria, was held from 9th to 11th August 2023. 15 students and 2 accompanying staff members from the Veterinary Faculties of Ljubljana and Zagreb visited Lipizzan studs’ farms at Piber and Heldenberg and enjoyed the Spanish riding school with wonderful Lipizzaner horses.
They spent the first day of the three-day Lipizzan tour in Köflach at the Piber Stud Farm, where Lipizzans are bred and will continue their careers at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna. Students enjoyed the second day of the Lipizzan tour at the Spanish Riding School and the on-site training demonstration accompanied by the horse stables’ guided tour. On the last day, the students visited the Heldenberg stud farm, where Lipizzaner stallions come several times a year for a well-deserved rest. The students also visited the Horse Clinics of the Veterinary Faculty University of Vienna, where the professors and staff generously provided insight into the daily activities of the Reproduction, Internal Medicine, and Surgery clinics.
Assist. Prof. Diana Brozić Ph.D.