Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb is one of the 20 higher education institutions in the Republic of Croatia participating in the pilot study of the Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET within the “e-Universities” project. The purpose of the pilot research is to establish a learning community, exchange examples of good practice and analyse the needs of employees of higher education institutions related to the application of digital technology. The FVMUZ project team members are: prof. PhD Snježana Kužir, Marko Poletto, DVM and Lea Bakić, M. Ed. Philol. Croat., M. Librar. & Inf. Scienc., and with this pilot research, our Faculty will receive an integrated studio for self-recording, which consists of a soundproof booth, a computer with higher specifications, a microphone, a camera and lighting, thus providing a key prerequisite for the continuation of the digital transformation of higher education.