Research into large wild animals began at the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Zagreb in the 1980’s, which makes our research group one of the longest-running in Europe. The research group was started by Prof. Dr. Sc. Đuro Huber, who was primarily interested in bears, then, with the employment of Prof. Dr. Sc. Josip Kusak and Assistant Prof. Dr. Sc. Tomislav Gomerčić, the research was extended to wolves and lynx.
The aim of our work is to gain scientific insights into all aspects of the biology, ecology, pathology and genetics of large wild animals and, on the basis of the information collected, to take an active part in decision-making about the management and protection of these species. The members of the group initiated and led the work on the Management Plans for all three species, which were the first documents of that kind adopted in the Republic of Croatia. We work together with many scientists and institutions in this country and abroad, and we particularly aim to build good cooperation with all interested groups.
On the basis of the long-term experience in research of wild animals at the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Zagreb, two elective courses are taught on this topic: Protection and Management of Endangered Species.
The research group for large wild animals is extremely active in the implementation of national and international scientific and professional projects and also, according to the number of scientific papers and citations, it is one of the most prominent research groups at the Faculty. An overview of the scientific papers by the group may be found on this link:
Data base for monitoring the lynx population in Croatia
Members of the Research Group:
Članovi istraživačke skupine
prof. emeritus Đuro Huber
prof. Josip Kusak
prof.Tomislav Gomerčić
assistant prof. Magda Sindičić
Slaven Reljić, DVM
Ira Topličanec, DVM
Juraj Huber, associate