in the Summer Semester 2022/2023
- Košice 1 student (scholarship in the duration of one month)
- Brno 1 student (scholarship in the duration of one month)
- Ljubljana 1 student (scholarship in the duration of one month)
- Belgrade 1 student (scholarship in the duration of one month)
- Vienna 2 students (scholarship in the duration of one month) (condition for application – knowledge of German language)
- Sarajevo “Summer school of Aquaculture” – 5 students (duration of summer school – 7 dana)
Interested students should apply with a short application, CV, motivation letter, and copy of the record track to the Admissions Office of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The deadline for the submission of the application is the 21st of October (Friday) 2022. by 12.00 am
For any additional information, please visit the webpage https://www.vef.unizg.hr/suradnja/ceepus/ or contact CEEPUS coordinator Assist prof Diana Brozić (diana.brozic@vef.hr)