Frequently Asked Questions for pet owners
I would like to contact one of your employees for a media appearance. Who can I talk to?
For media appearances by experts from the Veterinary Faculty, filming or recording on the premises of the Faculty, or commentary on current events, please apply to the Service for Media and Public Relations at .
I would like to give my animal its medication myself. Can you tell me how to do that?
Drugs and medication are administered to pets and farm or exotic animals exclusively by specially trained persons, apart from medication administered by mouth. During the examination your vet will give you detailed instructions about how to administer medication by mouth when necessary, and show you how to do this for your animal.
I am not satisfied/ I am satisfied with your services/ I would like to commend one of your doctors/clinics/institutes. Where can I do that?
You can officially register your dissatisfaction or praise by completing the forms you can find on our page, at this link: or by downloading this document:
I want to come to your clinics for an examination. Do I have to make an appointment, and where?
Emergency patients are admitted without prior appointment. You can ask for information about appointments for various specialized examinations at the clinics by calling the phone number listed on the Clinic’s web site or in person at the appropriate clinic, on work days from 9 to 11 a.m.
I have been referred to your Faculty to a specific doctor/clinic. How can I get to you?
Contacts (e-mail addresses) for all staff are listed on the Faculty’s web site, so please feel free to send inquiries about appointments for examination of your pet. You can also arrange an appointment for an examination of your pet in person at the appropriate clinic, on work days from 9 to 11 a.m.
Do you do a specific type of test or analysis?
Staff at the clinics will be happy to provide you with information about tests and procedures on work days from 9 to 11 a.m., or on the telephone number given on the clinic’s web site. You can also find out more about the services provided by individual clinics and laboratories on the link: VETERINARY SERVICES.
I have the results, photographs, results of X-rays, medical history etc. of my animal. Can you make a diagnosis?
Diagnosis of and prescribing therapy for your pet’s condition is a complex process which, apart from a mandatory examination, also includes a variety of diagnostic procedures. Please bring your pet for examination, with all the documentation you have available, having made an appointment ahead of time at the appropriate clinic.
I have found a wild animal and I don’t know what to do with it. Who can help me?
You can report finding wild animals to the Info Centre for Lost and Found Animals on 01/2008-354, and if you find a wild animal at night, call Centre 112, who will put you through to the service on duty.
I have found an insect, snake or a similar creature. Can you tell me what species it is?
You can report finding insects, snakes and similar animals to the Info Centre for Lost and Found Animals on 01/2008-354, and if you find a wild animal at night, call Centre 112, who will put you through to the service on duty.
I have found an abandoned animal (dog, cat or similar). Who can help me?
You can report finding an abandoned animal to the Info Centre for Lost and Found Animals, by phone 01/2008-354 or e-mail or on
If you have found an injured animal, please call 01/2008-354, and if you find an injured animal at night call Centre 112, who will put you through to the service on duty.