General News

07. Jul
VetNEST Summer school Animal Welfare, Veterinary Ethics and Communication skills 18-30 September 2021 ONLINE EVENT

VetNEST Summer school Animal Welfare, Veterinary Ethics and Communication skills 18-30 September 2021 ONLINE EVENT

File no.:         604-04/21-02/12 Record no.:   251-61-34-21-02 Zagreb, 5th July 2021   General info you can find in Link to summer school site:    All students in their 4th and 5th year of studies may apply.   Interested students shall submit their application form, short CV, motivation letter and transcript of records to the Admission Office of the…

24. Jun
FeMeSPRum scientific day

FeMeSPRum scientific day

Dear Friends of FeMeSPRum The Mediterranean Federation for the health and production of ruminants is organizing a scientific day, which will take the form of a webinar, on July 8, 2021, at 11:00. The theme of the day is: Anthelmintic resistance a challenge for the future. You are all invited to participate, the webinar will…

04. Feb
AUF ECO, Appels régionaux en cours 2021

AUF ECO, Appels régionaux en cours 2021

Mesdames, Messieurs, Cher-e-s collègues, J’espère que vous allez bien tous et toutes, en vacances, en cours ou pendant les sessions d’examen. Nous prions de trouver ci-après une série d’appels régionaux lancés par l’AUF ECO en début de cette année 2021, à destination des étudiants, des enseignants et des établissements francophones membres de l’AUF ECO : Appel…

30. Nov
[VERY IMPORTANT] MS Teams instructions and subject codes

[VERY IMPORTANT] MS Teams instructions and subject codes

General guidance and instructions primarily for first academic year that can be helpful for those on higher academic years regarding how to install and use MS Teams application and list of codes. To use a code once succesfully logged into MS Teams application click on the button JOIN OR CREATE TEAM in the top right…

17. Oct
Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) i MSD Animal Health scholarships

Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) i MSD Animal Health scholarships

Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) and MSD Animal Health will provide for this year 36 scholarships of USD$ 5,000 to veterinary students from Europe (enrolled in the 3rd  and 4th year) studying veterinary medicine in an approved or accredited veterinary establishment, member of the European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education. Application form available at, should be sent…

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