The research group was founded in 2008 at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Dietetics at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb with the aim of finding safe and sustainable feed additives that would improve the health status and performance of animals.
Nutraceuticals are natural substances originating from feed that have a nutritional value and a beneficial effect on animal health and a positive effect on the quality of products of animal origin. Their number is increasing daily due to the use of modern biotechnological methods that enable their identification, extraction, and introduction as a nutritional supplement in the diet of animals. This interesting area of veterinary medicine encourages us to make an effort to find ways to manipulate the gut microbiome through feed to achieve more efficient production and competitiveness of animal producers.
The main objectives of the research group are to investigate the applicability and mechanisms of action of certain nutraceuticals on digestion, absorption, and modulation of the microbiome in the digestive system and to maintain the health and welfare of animals while reducing the use of antimicrobials and consequently bacterial resistance.
The conducted research represents a significant contribution to scientific and professional knowledge in the fields of animal nutrition, veterinary public health, and food safety, which is in accordance with the general mission and strategic goals of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb.
Through professional and scientific projects, the Research Group cooperates with scientific institutions in the country and abroad, but the key is very active cooperation with business entities, which turns scientific knowledge achieved through research into new products and practices that stimulate economic growth and development.
The research group includes:
Assoc. Prof. Hrvoje Valpotić
Full Prof. Tomislav Mašek
Asst. Prof. Dražen Đuričić
Asst. Prof. Kristina Starčević
Full Prof. Silvijo Vince
Assoc. Prof. Ivona Žura Žaja
Assoc. Prof. Željko Gottstein
Asst. Prof. Ana Shek Vugrovečki
Martina Đurić Jarić, DVM, PhD.
Sunčica Sertić, DVM
Selection of scientific papers:
- Đuričić, D., S. Vince, N. Maćešić, D. Gračner, M. Kovačić, I. Folnožić, S. Perkov, M. Samardžija (2023): Effects of in-feed zeolite treatment on some biomarkers in dairy cows with subclinical mastitis Academia Biology, 1, 1; 1-6.
- Đuričić, D., T. Sukalić, F. Marković, P. Kočila, I. Žura Žaja, S. Menčik, T. Dobranić, B. Benić, M. Samardžija (2020): Effects of Dietary Vibroactivated Clinoptilolite Supplementation on the Intramammary Microbiological Findings in Dairy Cows. Animals, 10, 2; 202, 8.
- Folnožić, I., M. Samardžija, D. Đuričić, S. Vince, S. Perkov, S. Jelušić, H. Valpotić, B. Beer Ljubić, M. Lojkić, D. Gračner, I. Žura Žaja, N. Maćešić, J. Grizelj, T. Dobranić, G. Redžepi, Z. Šostar, R. Turk (2019): Effects of in-feed clinoptilolite treatment on serum metabolic and antioxidative biomarkers and acute phase response in dairy cows during pregnancy and early lactation. Research in veterinary science, 127, 57-64.
- Valpotić, H., I. Žura Žaja, M. Samardžija, B. Habrun, M. Ostović, D. Đuričić, N. Maćešić, Ž. Mikulec, P. Kočila, P. Sobiech, I. Valpotić, S. Vince (2018): Dietary supplementation with mannan oligosaccharide and clinoptilolite modulates innate and adaptive immune parameters of weaned pigs. Polish journal of veterinary sciences, 21, 1; 83-93.
- Mašek, T., N. Perin, L. Racané, M. Cindrić, H. Čipčić Paljetak, M. Perić, M. Matijašić, D. Verbanac, B. Radić, J. Šuran (2018): Chemical composition, antioxidant and antibacterial activity of different extracts of poplar type propolis. Croatica chemica acta, 91, 1; 81-88.
- Shek Vugrovečki, A., M. Popović, M. Belić, M. Živković, D. Špoljarić, B. Špoljarić, H. Brzica, G. Mršić, Z. Flegar-Meštrić, Ž. Mikulec (2018): Effect of dietary supplementation with dry and raw white button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus) on biochemical blood parameters of Lika pramenka lambs. Magyar állatorvosok lapja, 140, 5; 303-312
- Starčević, K., A. Gavrilović, Ž. Gottstein, T. Mašek (2017): Influence of substitution of sunflower oil by different oils on the growth, survival rate and fatty acid composition of Jamaican field cricket (Gryllus assimilis). Animal feed science and technology, 228, 66-71.
- Valpotić, H., S. Terzić, S. Vince, M. Samardžija, R. Turk, G. Lacković, B. Habrun, D. Đuričić, M. Sadiković, I. Valpotić (2016): In-feed supplementation of clinoptilolite favourably modulates intestinal and systemic immunity and some production parameters in weaned pigs. Veterinarni medicina, 61, 6; 317-327.
- Starčević, K., L. Krstulović, D. Brozić, M. Maurić, Z. Stojević, Ž. Mikulec, M. Bajić, T. Mašek (2015): Production performance, meat composition and oxidative susceptibility in broiler chicken fed with different phenolic compounds. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 95, 6; 1172-1178.
- Mašek, T., K. Starčević, N. Filipović, Z. Stojević, D. Brozić, Ž. Gottstein, K. Severin (2014): Tissue Fatty Acid Composition and Estimated Δ Desaturase Activity after Castration in Chicken Broilers Fed With Linseed or Sunflower Oil. Journal of animal physiology and animal nutrition, 98, 2; 384-392.
List of projects:
- Modulation of metabolic, endocrine, and antioxidant status in dairy cows by adding zeolite to feed. 2015-2018. Research project – HRZZ
- Nutritional modulation of docosahexaenoic acid metabolism in diabetic dyslipidemia. 2017 – 2020. Research project – HRZZ.
- An innovative functional lamb meat product. 2016. – 2022. Research project – HRZZ
- Food lipids, sex and age in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome. 2018. – 2021. Research project – HRZZ